Pepper Garden Tour Video – July 2020

5 years ago

Pepper garden tour time again!  I am trying to get on a schedule for videos on my pepper garden.  In…

Harvesting Peppers – Picking Purple Peppers

5 years ago

Harvesting peppers has started with a bang this Summer 2020 season.  I've harvested a few in the past couple of…

Pepper Garden Walk-Through Video – June 2020

5 years ago

A pepper garden walk-though and tour is what I have for you today.  I thought you might like to see…

Planting Grocery Store Bell Pepper Seeds

5 years ago

Planting grocery store bell peppers - can you do it?  Sometimes you taste a bell pepper from the grocery store…

Starting Pepper Plants Indoors – Seed Starting Under the Dome

5 years ago

Starting pepper plants indoors is really the only way to go if you plan to grow your pepper plants from…

Planting Pepper Seeds Experiment – Planting Domes

5 years ago

I mentioned in my peppers planned for 2020 post that I was going to experiment starting seeds.  My setup is…

Growing Peppers Indoors

5 years ago

Growing peppers indoors is something fun to do.  You've likely seen something like AeroGardens, but they aren't the only way…

Sweet Bell Peppers – Growing

5 years ago

Sweet bell peppers growing isn't all that hard, but you do need to know a few things to raise your…

What Peppers Have Capsaicin?

5 years ago

What peppers have capsaicin?  That's the question of the day, if you are looking either for hot peppers -- or…

What Kind of Soil Do Peppers Like?What Kind of Soil Do Peppers Like?

What Kind of Soil Do Peppers Like?

5 years ago

So what kind of soil do peppers like?  Glad you asked, because the soil you use for planting your peppers…